3 Roads Diverge in a Forest

3 Roads diverge in a forest
Confusion all around
What direction do I go?
I ask the owl if he knows
He just stands their quietly staring
I ask myself what is important to me
I answer LOVE of coarse
What direction is love?
The first road was covered in overgrowth
The second was paved and kept clean
The third didn’t even look like a road
My intuition told me to remember
I ask myself remember what? How long ago?
It tells me when I was born.
Then I hear her voice say I Love You
Yelling at the owl I scream “Why won’t you say anything!”
Sitting down on the rock
I Look at the sun through the trees
Better make a decision before nightfall
Where is Robert when you need him?
I got no water but I still have faith
Is there a river near by?
A red robin then flys past
Where am I?
Conscience feels the words “I am here”
Can I stay here?
Silence whispers “only if you can”
Time is wearing me down
Take another look at the roads
3 Roads diverge in a forest
And I…
I listened to my conscience

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