The Neverending Story

Great movie
Damn… No money for a ticket
Wait, It’s free
but too many commercials though
Red carpets in my mind
Leading to an early death
Can’t escape Indeed
Can’t turn the TV off
Where is my friend
And the award goes to
Sorry he couldn’t make it
But i’ll accept the award on his behalf
Put yourself in my shoes
How does it feel?
Smiling faces all around
Oh it’s that guy
“Couldn’t be more real than this”
Said the camera man
Queue the exit music
His speech is running too long
Cut him off
We need to fit in the next commercial
and… We’re Live!
Can’t hear it
Need to Pump Up the Volume
Im missing my favorite show
Need to turn on the TV
Wait… Lost the batteries to my remote
Must of fallen out when it was dropped

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