The Words of a Fragile Heart

An old soul remembers a story
Told by an old friend named Laurie
About a heart which lost its beat
Because it couldn’t handle defeat
Trying to patch the crack
It realized what it lacked
Longing for something missing
A love lost yet listening
Praying to get the words out right
All it wanted was to bring her light
Hoping its beating got her seeing
It only wanted to be with her
And wished it were
Words uttered in fear
by what wasn’t clear
Saddened by its faults
The beating heart halts
It whispers I love you
and wish she only knew
Witnessing the signs from heaven
The clock stopped at seven
It carried a tune
For her love to come back soon
Wanting her to be free
The heart wanted her to see
How much love they could share
If they were only a pair
There the heart stood
Loving all it could
Trembling with anxiety
and in front of all of society
It made its plea
Please be with me
While the heart was fragile and broken
These words were softly spoken
Please be mine until the end of time

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