
In the transition from night to day
Some might say
There is a sound
That is unbound
The taste of sunlight
And the birds take flight
From day to night
There is much delight
The moon lights up the sky
You just can’t deny
Life in all it’s phases
Spinning in mazes
The good and bad
The happy and the sad
We love and learn
With each of earth’s turn
Each day is new
Each night is blue
Nature flows
And life grows
What a gift to live
To find joy within a parable about a siv
Enjoying life’s drama and glory
Such a wonderful story
In each breath there is meaning
While believing and not seeing
There is a hidden purpose of each step
In my heart a secret is kept
With each season
There is a reason
Love is always there
Even when life doesn’t seem fair
Life transitions from young to old
Remembering what you have been told
Feeling the depth of a soul spilling out
And without any doubt
Understanding history
And not repeating misery
Transitioning from the unknown to the known
The seeds are sown
Love your neighbor as yourself
And don’t put your heart on the shelf

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