Enchanted Love in The Mist of Delerium

Out of my mind trying to find you
My heart wants to tell you a secret
In the dark is where I find you
I have a candle
I want to light your path
My eyes see your pain
My language is lost
Only trust remains
I am standing on broken glass
Waiting to carry you
I face myself in the mirror
Fighting to save you
Hoping the sun dissolves my shadow
Time energizes my delirium
While emotions threaten to break the clock
Knowing who you really are
Keeps the delirium in check
Forging through the fire
Looking for water to clench your thirst
Flames rose higher
Igniting our twin hearts together
Showing the world the light
Illuminating from our souls
Wrap your arms around me
Never let go
Help me knock out the darkness within us all
Be my foundation in the waves
I want to kiss the lips that speak


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