
I know it’s just a game
Cooperative play or single player?
Need to save the princess
Jumping over hurdles
Sitting on the sewer tops
Transporting to new levels
Not doing it for coins or bonus points
Link’s friends telling me to go that way
They give great advice
Just added magic potion to my arsenal
Need to go through the forrest to get to the castle
Duke told me to kick ass and chew bubble gum but
There was a Quake that forced me to take another path
Wish I could get in a private jet and fly away but I know its just a simulation
Jack said I didn’t know him and then I got screwed
Spinning around and around like Chung Lee
Looking to raid tombs for eternal life
30 / Love says the score
I better pick up my game
Don’t want to lose again
The race isn’t over
I know what I need to do
Should I save the game and go outside and play?
Am I neglecting my family playing these games?
It seems to be taking up all my time
Are the characters real?
It’s a virtual world out there
Maybe I should head to the party
It’s getting pretty lonely here.
Don’t want to have to restart the level though
Hope the traction holds
The roads are wet and there are many turns
When will this level end?
How many lives do I have left?
Maybe I should just drive through the city
It’s almost time for bed

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