Working Without Tools

Where are my tools?
They ask me to work
Should I just sit here?
Waiting for a stroke?
I miss her
Interpreters don’t understand
The audio says one thing but the video says another
Unemployed wanting to help unemployed
I could probably do the job with a red paper clip
But everything at my disposal has TOS agreements attached
They say no or pay for another month to continue
These 2 hands can’t lift this 777 pound boulder
Need some leverage
My left hand is holding the bolt
While my right is trying to twist the screw
How many bolts does this thing have?
These Ikea instructions are confusing
Where is that small plastic bag?
It must of disappeared under the couch somewhere
Ok… One column is founded
Now for the other
Wait… Need to fix it
Seems to be tilting the wrong way
How do people expect this to be done by one person?
The databases are corrupted
Should of used a different type of database architecture
I knew what direction to take
But others didn’t listen
So I am forced to do it on my own
Where are my tools?

Learning from Questions

How do you learn best?
Are you a visual or an auditory learner?
Do you understand best through interaction?
What do you actually know?
Do you have a degree?
Does it matter?
How were you taught?
Was it traditional?
How did technology help?
Did you need help?
Did you have questions?
Did you find the answers you were looking for?
How long did it take for you to find them?
Did someone offer advice in your specific situation?
Did the answers you find work?
What if you can’t find the answer?
How do you move forward?
How much time did you waste taking classes that didn’t work toward your advantage?
Are you in school debt and without a job?
Do you have any talents?
Are you creative?
What life situations have helped you learn how to make decisions?
Do you know what you want to do with your life?
Are you happy?
What do you desire?
Do you know what direction to take to achieve your goals?
Can you get hired with the direction you took?
Should you start your own small business?
How much time do you have?
Do you have free time?
Can you afford to use your free time?
If so do you have enough knowledge to do what you want?
Are your looking to escape your life and have no other options?
Have you considered the military?
Do you have internet access?
With so many options are you capable of making a good decision?
What are your favorite subjects to study?
Can you get a job in that field?
Why all these questions?
Is this a test?
How am I graded?
Is there a curve?
Where do I begin?


Are you alive?
Can I see you?
I am all in and I need you
Please protect me
I am scared
Your all iv ever known to be true
Faith helps me see you
But my vision is blurry
Open the gates
It’s flooding
Please unlock the chains to my heart
It’s crying for the key
Please help me find my home
In a place where I belong
I love you!!!

3 Roads Diverge in a Forest

3 Roads diverge in a forest
Confusion all around
What direction do I go?
I ask the owl if he knows
He just stands their quietly staring
I ask myself what is important to me
I answer LOVE of coarse
What direction is love?
The first road was covered in overgrowth
The second was paved and kept clean
The third didn’t even look like a road
My intuition told me to remember
I ask myself remember what? How long ago?
It tells me when I was born.
Then I hear her voice say I Love You
Yelling at the owl I scream “Why won’t you say anything!”
Sitting down on the rock
I Look at the sun through the trees
Better make a decision before nightfall
Where is Robert when you need him?
I got no water but I still have faith
Is there a river near by?
A red robin then flys past
Where am I?
Conscience feels the words “I am here”
Can I stay here?
Silence whispers “only if you can”
Time is wearing me down
Take another look at the roads
3 Roads diverge in a forest
And I…
I listened to my conscience


I know it’s just a game
Cooperative play or single player?
Need to save the princess
Jumping over hurdles
Sitting on the sewer tops
Transporting to new levels
Not doing it for coins or bonus points
Link’s friends telling me to go that way
They give great advice
Just added magic potion to my arsenal
Need to go through the forrest to get to the castle
Duke told me to kick ass and chew bubble gum but
There was a Quake that forced me to take another path
Wish I could get in a private jet and fly away but I know its just a simulation
Jack said I didn’t know him and then I got screwed
Spinning around and around like Chung Lee
Looking to raid tombs for eternal life
30 / Love says the score
I better pick up my game
Don’t want to lose again
The race isn’t over
I know what I need to do
Should I save the game and go outside and play?
Am I neglecting my family playing these games?
It seems to be taking up all my time
Are the characters real?
It’s a virtual world out there
Maybe I should head to the party
It’s getting pretty lonely here.
Don’t want to have to restart the level though
Hope the traction holds
The roads are wet and there are many turns
When will this level end?
How many lives do I have left?
Maybe I should just drive through the city
It’s almost time for bed

Sleep Deprived

Sheep running away
They can’t handle the noise
Baaah Baaaah is all they said
One escaped over the fence
Can’t sleep till I catch it
Feeling sick
Weed is in need
Can’t stomach the feeling
Close my eyes and I see the sun
My body feels like a dysfunctional anarchist commune
Mcguiver in a straight jacket locked in a padded room
How do I catch that damn sheep?
My tools locked in the shed
The keys are missing and…
I am
I am sleep deprived

Enchanted Love in The Mist of Delerium

Out of my mind trying to find you
My heart wants to tell you a secret
In the dark is where I find you
I have a candle
I want to light your path
My eyes see your pain
My language is lost
Only trust remains
I am standing on broken glass
Waiting to carry you
I face myself in the mirror
Fighting to save you
Hoping the sun dissolves my shadow
Time energizes my delirium
While emotions threaten to break the clock
Knowing who you really are
Keeps the delirium in check
Forging through the fire
Looking for water to clench your thirst
Flames rose higher
Igniting our twin hearts together
Showing the world the light
Illuminating from our souls
Wrap your arms around me
Never let go
Help me knock out the darkness within us all
Be my foundation in the waves
I want to kiss the lips that speak